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Troubleshooting Windows metrics observability


You have installed and configured the Windows OpenTelemetry Connector in your Splunk Observability Cloud, but you are still experiencing some problems with your data.

Check the logs

  1. Click Start > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer, then select Windows Logs and Application Logs.
  2. The default logging level is info. Set it to debug as needed in the config file, which you can access at \ProgramData\Splunk\OpenTelemetry Collector\agent_config.yaml.
  3. You must stop and start the agent after making a configuration change. This is done from PowerShell: Stop-Service splunk-otel-collector then Start-Service splunk-otel-collector.
  4. Check for HTTP error codes.
    • 401 (UNAUTHORIZED): Configured access token or realm is incorrect.
    • 404 (NOT FOUND): Likely configuration parameter is wrong like endpoint or path (e.g. /v1/log); possible network/firewall/port issue.
    • 429 (TOO MANY REQUESTS): Org is not provisioned for the amount of traffic being sent; reduce traffic or request increase in capacity.
    • 503 (SERVICE UNAVAILABLE): If using the Log Observer, this is the same as 429 (because that is how HECv1 responds).

Check for metric time series creation throttling

Splunk Observability Cloud limits the number of metric time series you can create, which is 6,000 per minute or more, based on your subscription. This throttle is a funnel. New metric time series will eventually be created. You can do any of the following to understand your limits:

  • Plot the metric to see your limit.
  • Plot the metric to see the number of MTS created.
  • Plot the metric to see number of creations throttled.

Check your active metric time series limits

Splunk Observability Cloud limits the number of active metric time series you can have, based on your subscription. New metric time series will not be created until you are under your limit. You can do any of the following to understand your limits:

  • Plot the metric to see your limit.
  • Plot the metric to see your number of active MTS.
  • Plot the metric to see whether new MTS creations are limited.

Next steps

These additional Splunk resources might help you understand and implement these recommendations: