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Splunk Lantern

How Splunk can help: Empowering developers and SREs


Splunk is one of the largest contributors to OpenTelemetry and uses OpenTelemetry natively as its main source of telemetry. The Splunk Distribution of the OpenTelemetry Collector provides a number of capabilities to help customers build their own observability practice.

  • Configuration of the OpenTelemetry Collector includes integrations to the major cloud vendors and applications. You can walk through a wizard of options to construct precisely the command needed to deploy your Collector easily. When the integration is complete, the data is collected in the form of metrics, traces, and logs that populate out-of-the-box content. 
  • Navigators help you explore your tech stack. You can use navigators that Splunk Observability Cloud provides or create your own customizations that pre-filter or show custom views of the data.
  • Splunk Observability Cloud provides a number of detectors that are automatically observed in your environment which can be configured in many ways. For example, if a detector has been fired recently, AutoDetect detectors can run automatically but only inform an external entity, user, or a system when it is subscribed. Users can also create alert customizations either for a subset of the environment or universally. 
  • Metrics pipeline management helps customers control their metric usage. You can aggregate metrics or drop metrics that are not being fully utilized without updating configurations on your servers. 
  • Splunk Observability Cloud provides a number of ways to automate processes with rich APIs and a Terraform provider. 

Watch the following video to learn more.