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Splunk Lantern

How Splunk can help: Managing incidents - advanced


Would fewer alerts with more enrichment speed up your detection time? Would automation of enrichment to investigations improve incident response? Would better visualizations, customizable to your organization's changing needs, improve your operations? Splunk Enterprise Security helps you achieve all these benefits in the following ways:

  • Content management is seamless. You can review both notables and risk notables in one place.
  • Risk-based alerting allows you to pivot from reactive to proactive functions in your SOC detections.
  • Splunk SOAR can be integrated to enrich incidents automatically and enable further responsive actions.  
  • In the incident review dashboard, you can add an event to an investigation, build an event type based off the event for further analysis, extract fields, run adaptive response actions, and assign ownership to an additional analyst on the team for further review.
  • Gain additional visibility into other related noted events, as well as additional data that you can reference based off the artifacts you've supplied. 
  • Run searches for further context and add the search string to the investigation

Watch the following video to learn more.