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Establishing business transaction monitoring


In your modern application, business transactions generate long monitoring scripts and cross many different parts of the application. In addition, multiple different engineering teams work on different parts of the application, and only certain teams want to be alerted to issues about their part of the application flow. You want a better monitoring solution.

Groups steps in a business transaction workflow

Break up your complex step-by-step flows into groups so you can monitor separate parts of a transaction to look for bottlenecks and other performance issues. For example, someone doing business on your site completes the following actions:

  1. Navigate to site.
  2. Enter search term.
  3. View results.
  4. Click on an item.
  5. Click Add to Cart.
  6. Click Checkout.
  7. Enter login details. There are two fields in this step.
  8. Click Login.
  9. Enter credit card information. There are seven fields in this step.
  10. Click Submit.
  11. View purchase confirmation. 

Some of these actions take place on a single page, so you could group steps that way.

  1. Homepage
    • Navigate to site.
    • Enter search term.
  2. Search results page.
    • View results.
  3. Product description page.
    • Click on an item.
    • Click Add to Cart.
    • Click Checkout.
  4. Sign in page.
    • Enter login details.
    • Click Login.
  5. Payment page.
    • Enter credit card information. 
    • Click Submit.
  6. Confirm order page.
    • View purchase confirmation. 

Those groupings are helpful because they consolidate the steps into six transactions, but business transaction monitoring takes those groupings even further. The logical business transactions groupings here are as follows:

  1. Home transaction
    • Navigate to site.
  2. Add to cart transaction
    • Enter search term.
    • View results.
    • Click on an item.
    • Click Add to Cart.
  3. Checkout transaction
    • Click Checkout.
    • Enter login details. There are two fields in this step.
    • Click Login.
    • Enter credit card information. There are seven fields in this step.
    • Click Submit.
    • View purchase confirmation. 

Now there are three transactions to monitor, and you can filter on which matter to you most.

Next steps

These additional Splunk resources might help you understand and implement these recommendations: