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Transportation data


Vehicles of all sizes and types generate massive amounts of machine data. That information can be used to improve availability and reliability, and extend the lifecycle of a vehicle that has not been extensively used or, conversely, replace components that have seen extensive wear and tear sooner. Vehicle sensors allow companies to gain a unified view of assets to quickly identify and diagnose operational issues and to monitor, track and avoid unplanned asset downtime. Manufacturers can also detect anomalies and deviations from normal behavior to take corrective action, which improves uptime, asset reliability and longevity. 

Also through access to machine data, vehicle manufacturers are applying analytics in ways that fundamentally change their business models. Instead of selling a vehicle, manufacturers increasingly prefer to lease vehicles based on actual usage. The longer that vehicle can be used between repairs, the more profitable that leasing service becomes. The key to providing this type of service economically is advanced analytics, which are applied to all the aggregate data that’s collected.


When your Splunk deployment is ingesting transportation data, you can use it to accomplish IoT and business analytics use cases.


Guidance for onboarding data can be found in the Spunk Documentation, Getting Data In (Splunk Enterprise) or Getting Data In (Splunk Cloud).

Looking for more information on data types? Download the Splunk Essential Guide to Machine Data.