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Splunk Lantern

Building user group workspaces


A workspace is a Splunk app tailored to a specific role or user group that enables users to search, explore, and create without distractions from other teams and users.

In many Splunk deployments, all users work in the default Search and Reporting app. This can cause some users and teams to struggle as they sort through dashboards, saved searches, and knowledge objects from other teams to figure out what to use. It can also stifle adoption and discovery, as users might feel intimidated about participating or concerned they may break knowledge objects created by other teams. The volume and diversity of knowledge objects can also have a negative effect on overall search performance.

Creating an app as a workspace for each role or user group helps teams focus on what is important to them without getting distracted by content from other teams. Workspaces also facilitate co-working, and faster learning and adoption. When teams have their own workspaces, users can feel more confident, discover more, and collaborate more.

Creating workspaces can also help improve search performance. You can set permissions to limit searches to the knowledge objects of their workspace, and not others.

Guidelines for implementing a team workspace

Create a new app

Create a new app using the simple template or the workspace template provided by the Welcome Page Creator on Splunkbase. For more information about creating an app, see Create a new app.

Make the app the default workspace

Set the new app as the default workspace for a given role. See Add or edit a role and About configuring role-based user access.

Reuse knowledge objects

Clone or move knowledge objects to share content with different teams and audiences. For more about cloning knowledge objects, see Moving or cloning a knowledge object.

Assign permissions and restrict access

Assign permissions for users to access their team workspace, and restrict access to unrelated users and groups by removing their read permissions. For more information about managing permissions to knowledge objects, see Manage knowledge object permissions.

Add a welcome page to your team workspace

You can add a welcome page to your team workspace to provide welcoming direction to a user to help them get started and answer common questions. For more about adding a welcome page, see Setting up a welcome page.

Add interesting KPIs to your welcome page

Present the user with value from the start. Since the team workspace welcome page will be the default screen presented to a user when the Splunk platform first opens, include summarized KPIs of interest. Consider leveraging saved searches in the default dashboard to minimize Splunk virtual compute (SVC) processing loads and concurrent searches.