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Assigning responsibility for a Splunk deployment


A responsibility assignment matrix is a tool used in the field of project management to define roles. Understanding the tasks and activities associated with each role sets the expectations for the roles you assign in your staffing model. RACI is a popular model that defines:

  • Responsible - Those who do the work to complete complete the tasks
  • Accountable - Those who are ultimately answerable for the outcome
  • Consulted - Those whose opinions are sought
  • Informed - Those who need to be kept up to date

When filling out a RACI matrix for your Splunk community, consider the needs and priorities of all your stakeholders across the organization in addition to your Splunk admins and users.

Guidelines for RACI definitions

Letter RACI definition Description
R Responsible Manage workload
A Accountable Sign-off
C Consulted Provide input
I Informed Notify

RACI template

Role names correspond with the roles outlined in Setting roles and responsibilities

Activity by functional area Architect Developer Engineer Executive sponsor Search expert Knowledge manager Program manager Project manager User
Admin education R R R     R A I  

Change control processes, maintenance, and upgrades

C   R       A C  
Architecture A I R     I I I  
Continuity planning A   R       C I  
Support and incident management C   R I I I A I I
Capacity management C   R   C C A    
Business alignment I   I I     A    
Management of the buildout cycle C I R I   C A    
Governance A I R   I C I I I
Value realization C   R       A    
Data request     R       A   R
Data definition     R     R I   A
Implementation     R       A    
Validation     R     R I   A
Communication     R       A    
Use case retirement C   R       A    
Access request     I       A   R
Role definition and capabilities R   C       A   C
User access and user experience     R       A   I
User validation     C       I   A
User retirement     C       A   I
User education     C       A   C

More resources

For a staffing model template, see Staffing a Splunk deployment.