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Splunk Lantern



Salesforce data is a type of CRM, ERP, and other business application data that provides insight into the usage and adoption of the Salesforce platform. The data can also be used for security and troubleshooting purposes. The data is gathered by Splunk via modular inputs that poll the Salesforce APIs at a configurable interval. 

Salesforce data can be used to search and report on user activity such as logon analytics, review browsing history by user to tell which features are being adopted. For security monitoring, you can also track behaviors for unauthorized access and for data loss prevention. 

Before looking at documentation for specific data sources, review the Splunk Docs information on general data ingestion: 

Getting data in

Source Add-ons and Apps Guidance

Splunk platform

Splunk SOAR


Use Cases

Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Splunk platform