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Splunk Lantern

Monitoring badges for facilities access


Many modern organizations, especially ones with highly sensitive data to safeguard, require employees to use badges to enter buildings and sometimes even select rooms within those buildings. They may also require badges to pass through turnstiles, parking gates, or other barriers. In some industries, badge data must be audited regularly and reported on for compliance reasons. In others, the organization may simply want to have that information for their own records, or track badge usage for malfunctions so they can quickly address them. The searches in this use case help an organization complete all these function to keep physical assets safe.

Required data

  • Data: Physical card reader data for call detail records
  • Lookup files
    • A CSV or KV lookup file that maps badge error codes to a status
    • A CSV or KV lookup file that maps badge reader IDs to their location
    • A CSV or KV lookup file that maps user badge IDs to user information

Your source types may not have the same fields as the ones demonstrated in the sample searches. You may also need to adjust field names to match what is available in your lookup files.

How to use Splunk software for this use case

Depending on what information you have available, you might find it useful to identify some or all of the following:

Next steps

The results of these searches can be useful in security, compliance, or customer reporting requirements. They may also be used for activity logging and HR related requests.

The searches in this guide are also included in the Splunk Essentials for Telecommunications the app, which provides more information about how to implement them successfully in your telecom services maturity journey. This is a Splunk Field supported App. If you find it useful, have any feedback for use case additions, or general comments about what you would like in the next releases, contact the field at #telco-media on Splunk-Usergroups Slack or

In addition, this Splunk resource might help you understand and implement this use case:

Splunk OnDemand Services: Use these credit-based services for direct access to Splunk technical consultants with a variety of technical services from a pre-defined catalog. Most customers have OnDemand Services per their license support plan. Engage the ODS team at if you would like assistance.