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Splunk Lantern

Guided Insights


To fortify security operations, your organization should possess the capability to prioritize actions grounded in a comprehensive understanding of enterprise risk and real-time service health. Leveraging integrated threat intelligence and staying ahead of current threats means that you can detect and investigate in a holistic manner, optimizing time and resource so your teams can focus on high-risk events and critical business services.

Use the guidance in the following topics to help you better work with guided insights:

  • Threat Intelligence Enrichment helps you to use curated threat intelligence information for correlation and automation in detection and response.
  • Leverage Cybersecurity Frameworks helps you to use a reliable, systematic way to mitigate cyber risk, no matter how complex your environment might be.
  • Risk-Based Alerting (RBA) helps you to implement RBA strategies that guide analyst efforts where they’re needed most.
  • Anomaly Detection helps you to detect and uncover anomalous behaviors and activities that could suggest a hidden, malicious threat is present in your environment. 
  • Threat Hunting helps you to reduce the time from intrusion to discovery, limiting the amount of damage that can be done by attackers.
Use Case Explorer for Security
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