Number of active Zoom meetings
Your workforce is fully remote. To ensure network security, you want to report on how many active Zoom meetings there are on your network at certain times of the day.
Required data
Run the following search. You can optimize it by specifying a time range.
search (index=zoom sourcetype="zoom:webhook" (event="meeting.ended" OR event="meeting.started" OR event="webinar.ended" OR event="webinar.started")) | stats latest(event) AS event latest(_time) AS _time BY payload.object.uuid | where event="meeting.started" OR event="webinar.started" | timechart span=1h dc(payload.object.uuid) AS active_meeting |sort - active_meeting |head 1
Search explanation
The table provides an explanation of what each part of this search achieves. You can adjust this query based on the specifics of your environment.
Splunk Search | Explanation |
search (index=zoom sourcetype="zoom:webhook" (event="meeting.ended" OR event="meeting.started" OR event="webinar.ended" OR event="webinar.started")) |
Search the Zoom sourcetype for events related to starting and stopping Zoom meetings and webinars. If you use a different telecommunications provider integrated with Splunk, such as Cisco WebEx Meetings Add-on for Splunk, you may need to make adjustments to the fields and parameters. |
| stats latest(event) AS event latest(_time) AS _time BY payload.object.uuid |
Calculate the time that each event occurred and sort the events by the payload object ID. |
| where event="meeting.started" OR event="webinar.started" |
Filter the results to only started meetings or webinars. |
| timechart span=1h dc(payload.object.uuid) AS active_meeting |
Create a chart that shows the distinct count of events for each payload object ID, bucketed into one hour increments. |
|sort - active_meeting |
Sort the results with the hour with the largest number of meetings first. |
|head 1 |
Return only the top result. |
Next steps
This search returns a simple count of active Zoom sessions during the time you specify. It also highlights the busiest hour in your organization. Correlate this information with the results of other searches to determine what is normal or anomalous activity on your network.
Finally, you might be interested in other processes associated with the Securing a work-from-home organization use case.