Detecting Clop ransomware
Clop ransomware campaigns target healthcare and other vertical sectors, and they involve the use of ransomware payloads along with exfiltration of data. Malicious actors demand payment for ransom of data and threaten deletion and exposure of exfiltrated data.
You are an analyst responsible for your organization's overall security posture. You need to be able to detect and investigate unusual activities that might relate to the Clop ransomware, including looking for file writes associated with Clop, encrypting network shares, deleting and resizing shadow volume storage, registry key modification, deleting of security logs, and more. These searches will help you detect and investigate these infections.
Required data
How to use Splunk software for this use case
- Clop common exec parameter
- Clop ransomware known service name
- Common ransomware extensions
- Common ransomware notes
- Deleting shadow copies
- High process termination frequency
- Process deleting its process file path
- Ransomware notes bulk creation
- Resize shadow storage volume
- Suspicious event log service behavior
- Suspicious wevtutil usage
- WevtUtil usage to clear logs
- Windows event log cleared
- Windows high file deletion frequency
- Windows service created with suspicious service path
Next steps
These additional Splunk resources might help you understand and implement this use case: