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Splunk Lantern

Foundational Visibility


Your ITOps teams need to support operational resilience mandates, as well as resolve production issues faster and more proactively, while optimizing resources. To start this journey, they need to centralize high-priority structured and unstructured log data for real time analysis and insights. This is exactly what Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud Platform provide ITOps teams - a log management and analytics platform.

Additionally, your ITOps teams should be able to view all the data they need to understand the impact of cloud-related health and performance on their overall IT environment in a single, simple unified experience, without heavy maintenance or paying twice to use the same data. By rebalancing and augmenting log data with more cost-efficient metrics, you’ll have greater flexibility to scale and leverage real-time analytics to improve query performance and troubleshoot cloud-related issues faster and more efficiently. With these metrics correlated natively with logs, you’ll have full context from on-premises to cloud and reduced operational costs.

The use cases provided in this foundational visibility section can help with all these observability business problems and goals.

Use Case Explorer for Observability
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Reduce Alert Noise

Analyze IT Service Health

Understand the Impact of Changes

Prevent Outages

Debug Problems in Microservices

Improve End- User Experiences

Standardize Observability Practices Across Teams

Align IT and Business with Service Monitoring