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Splunk Lantern

Selecting observability use cases for the Splunk platform


With only the Splunk platform, you can implement a variety of fundamental and effective observability use cases. Use the Splunk IT Essentials Learn and IT Essentials Work apps to discover those use cases or browse the ones linked below.

Analyzing wire data from databases

Investigating user login issues and account lockouts

Maintaining *nix systems with the Splunk platform

Maintaining Microsoft Windows systems with the Splunk platform

Managing *nix system user account behavior

Managing an Amazon Web Services environment

Managing Azure cloud infrastructure

Managing Cisco IOS devices

Managing Dell Isilion network attached storage

Managing O365 workloads

Managing printers in a Windows environment

Measuring memory utilization by host

Measuring storage I/O latency

Measuring storage speed I/O utilization by host

Monitoring log volume trends

Monitoring VMware virtualization infrastructure

Monitoring web application performance

Preparing for certificate-based authentication changes on Windows domain controllers

Recovering lost visibility of IT infrastructure

Using stack traces to detect application errors

Using the Splunk platform to monitor key horse-related data points