Phase 7: Welcome to Splunk Cloud Platform!
Congratulations and welcome to Splunk Cloud Platform. We hope you had a great experience through this migration journey and are as excited as us about everything cloud. If you're wondering what's next, here are some tips:
Get familiar with Splunk Cloud Platform
- If you haven't already, take the Transitioning to Splunk Cloud and Splunk Cloud Administration courses.
- Get to know all about the Splunk Cloud Platform Service, especially the differences between on-premises Splunk deployments and Splunk Cloud Platform.
- Check out the Getting Started pages on Splunk Lantern.
- Develop new use cases with the Use Case Explorer for the Splunk platform.
- Learn about workload pricing.
- Review the guide to administrative and operations changes.
Bookmark helpful services and resources
- Work with a Splunk expert through Splunk Cloud Services or On-demand services
- Learning opportunities: Tech Talks, .conf sessions, Splunk Lantern, Splunk Community
- Customer Support
- Splunk Cloud Platform migration hub
Give us feedback
- Let us know how your experience was! Please feel free to reach out to your Splunk rep. We would love to hear from you and learn from your experiences so that we can get better at supporting more customers through this migration journey.
- Happy Splunking!